If you pin a post, it will stay at the top of your feed even if you publish new posts on the page or group.

To ensure that your post gets more traction, pin it to your profile or blog post page. This will help people see it first and interact with you more.

If you want to pin a post on your Facebook profile, page, or group, this guide explains how to do it. Pinning a post gives it extra attention and makes it easier for people to find. ..

How to Pin a Post on a Facebook Profile

To pin a post on your Facebook profile, you can do it in a few easy steps. To start, open the Facebook app and sign in. Then click on the three lines in the top left corner of your screen (the one that says “Profile”). On the right side of this screen, you’ll see a list of posts. Click on the one that interests you and you’ll see a few steps to follow to pin it on your profile.

Pin a Post on a Facebook Profile on a Computer (Windows PC/Mac)

Pin a Post on a Facebook Profile on an Android Device

Pin a Post on a Facebook Profile on an iPhone/iPad

How to Pin a Post on a Facebook Page

If you manage a Facebook page for your brand, another company, or nonprofit and want to promote a particular post, you can pin it to the top of the page so that all your page followers can see it.

Pinning posts on a Facebook page is a great way to keep your followers up-to-date on your latest news and events. However, you must have page admin or editor permissions to pin posts. If you don’t have these permissions, you can still share your post by using the share button on the post’s toolbar. ..

Pin a Post on a Facebook Page on a Computer (PC/Mac)

You can access your Facebook page from a web browser and pin a post to the top. ..

Starting today, posts on your Facebook Page will move to the top of the timeline automatically. This way, people can easily see what you’ve been up to and keep up with your latest posts without having to scroll down. ..

Pin a Post on a Facebook Page on an iPhone/iPad 

Before pinning a post on your Facebook Page, check whether you have editor or admin permissions and then follow the steps below.

Pin a Post on a Facebook Page on an Android Device

How to Pin a Post on a Facebook Group

If you manage a Facebook group, you can pin a post to the top of the group page. However, in a group, it’s referred to as an Announcement – not a pinned post.

You’ll get different options in the group post menu, but the post will still appear at the top of your group under the Announcements section.

To pin an announcement on a Facebook Group, you need to be the group admin. ..

Pin a Post on a Facebook Group on a Computer

To pin a post to the top of your Facebook group on your PC or Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Facebook and open the group page.
  2. Click on the “pin” button at the top of the page.
  3. Enter a brief description of the post you want to pin to the top of the group.
  4. Click on “pin.”

Pin a Post on a Facebook Group on an Android Device

Pin a Post on a Facebook Group on iPhone/iPad

You can also pin a post on a Facebook Group from your iPhone or iPad.

If you’re looking to save some time on your next shopping trip, check out these five tips from The Huffington Post. ..

Facebook has removed a post from my group announcements section and restored it to its original position.

Pinning Is Only a Few Clicks Away

To draw attention to a specific Facebook post, you can pin it to your profile or page. This will make it visible to your followers, page viewers, and group members.

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