To secure your wireless router, you should use a strong password and change the default password every time you connect to the network.

If you have a router that you bought on your own, and do not change the default password, anyone who can access the router can use the password that is written on the router. We will discuss this below. First, let’s talk about how to detect wireless leechers. ..

Detect Unauthorized Wireless Connections

The first way to detect devices is to check on the router itself. If the router is not working properly, you may be able to fix it by resetting it and/or by checking for updates. However, if the router is not working properly, you may also need to replace it. The second way to detect devices is to use a device already connected to the network. This method can be more complicated but it can also help you find devices that are not connected or that have been disconnected. If you have a computer or phone that is connected to the network, you can use its scan function to check for devices on your wireless router.

To connect to your wireless router, you first need to type in the IP address for your router. If you don’t know it, read my post on determining the IP of your wireless router. Once you have that, you’ll need to login using the username and password.

If you don’t remember your router’s password or never changed it, that’s a problem. In either of these cases, I recommend resetting your router to factory default settings and starting from scratch. It may sound like a monumental task, but it’s really not. ..

If you don’t have the paperwork for your wireless router, reset it using these steps:

  1. Look for the default password on your router. If you can’t find it, you can either find it or reset it yourself.
  2. Reset your wireless router by following these steps: a. Type “reset” into the router’s web browser address bar and hit enter. b. If you’re using a Windows computer, open “C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe” and type “netstat -an” to see if there is a new connection in addition to the one that was already in progress when you reset your router. If there is, hit enter again and wait until the status changes to “no new connections.” c. Type “ifconfig -a” to see if there are any new interfaces added or removed on your network since you last reset your router (if there are, hit enter again). d. Reboot your computer by typing “reboot” into the web browser address bar and hitting enter

Once you have a list of IP addresses for devices on your network, you can start to troubleshoot any issues that may be happening. For example, if you are having trouble connecting to the internet or your device is not working properly, you can try looking at the IP addresses and see if they are associated with a specific device or network.

Most routers will also show you the name of the devices, so it’s easy to tell if the device is a phone, tablet, printer, IP camera, NAS, streaming device, laptop or computer. If you can’t figure out what device is associated with an IP address, you can always try to paste that IP into your web browser and see if it loads a web page. Some printers, camera, etc. will have their own web interfaces that you can connect to via the browser.

Another way to find connected clients is to use a smartphone app. For Apple devices, I recommend Net Analyzer Lite and Fing Network Scanner. Fing is also available in the Google Play Store.

These apps can help you figure out if your device is connected to the network, which can be helpful if you’re not sure. Fing can also tell you if there’s a console on your network, which is a cool feature.

If you are not sure whether your device is connected to your wireless network or not, it is easy to check by looking at the device’s network status. To do this, open a computer and type in “wps” into the address bar. If the device responds with “Not connected”, then it is not likely that the device is connected to your wireless network. If the device responds with “Connected”, then it means that the device is connected to your wireless network and you can continue using it as usual.

Secure Wireless Network

If you think your network has been compromised, the first step is to reset your router. If someone was able to connect to your wireless router, they could have also compromised the router and may be able to monitor all activity on the network. ..

To make sure that your guests can connect to your router without having to worry about their WiFi password, you should change the default login for the router.

Router Admin

If you’re like most people, you probably never changed the default router login password. That’s a mistake. If someone is able to connect to your router and access your WiFi network, they can do all sorts of damage, including stealing your passwords and personal information. So change the password right away! ..

If you can change the username and password for your router, it makes it more difficult for someone to gain access to it.

To set up wireless security, you’ll need to first change the router login information. You can find this information on the various setting and configuration pages for different vendors. Once you have changed the login information, you’ll need to set up wireless security.


There are three main ways to secure your router at this point: choosing between WEP, WPA, and WPA2 encryption, disabling SSID broadcast and enabling wireless MAC authentication. I firmly believe you really only need to use WPA2 encryption with a long key to be very secure, but some people like to take extra precautions and it could be worth the extra effort if you have very sensitive information stored on your devices. ..

Some routers make this really easy for you, like the Verizon FIOS router advanced security settings page shown above. You should only use WPA2, if possible. WEP is very insecure and WPA can be cracked fairly easily. If you have devices on your network that cannot connect once you setup WPA2, then you should pick the option that has WPA + WPA2 Personal. Make sure you choose a long password. Note that it doesn’t have to be a bunch of random numbers, symbols, or letters to be secure. A strong password just has to be a long passphrase.

If you’ve followed the steps above, resetting your router, configuring the admin password and using WPA2, you can pretty much be certain that anyone previously connected to your wireless network is now disconnected. ..

If you want to make your network more secure, disabling SSID broadcast is a good first step, but MAC address filtering is a better option because it makes everything easier. Every time you want to connect a new device to your network, you just have to find the MAC address for the device and add it to the filtering list. ..

In conclusion, if you suspect unusual activity on your network, you should immediately follow the steps outlined above. There are chances someone may be monitoring your computer if they are connected to your network, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you have any questions, post a comment. Enjoy!