1. Online tools: There are a number of online tools that can help you identify songs. One of the most popular online tools is YouTube, where you can search for specific songs and watch them as they play. Another popular tool is Spotify, where you can listen to songs and see how many times they have been played. Additionally, there are a number of desktop apps that allow you to tag songs, such as Songza and LastFM. Desktop apps typically have more features than online tools, so it’s important to check out the app before making any decisions.
  2. Mobile apps: Mobile apps are another great way to identify songs. You can find mobile apps that allow you to search for specific songs or tracklists, or even create your own playlist with specific songs and tracks. Additionally, many mobile apps offer song tagging capabilities, which makes it easier for you to find and track specific songs.

Identify Songs Online

If you’re sitting with your computer, then the easiest way to identify a song would be to use many of the free online services. They have become fairly advanced and even allow you to just hum the tune of songs to identify them.


Midomi will let you sing or hum a tune to identify a song, so if you like singing to yourself all the time, this will be perfect for you. I’m a terrible singer, so the service had a pretty hard time identifying half of the songs I tried to sing. My wife passed by and sang three songs and Midomi identified all three. So it looks like your singing ability will affect your results.

Humming a few tunes can help you sing better, according to Midomi. The accuracy isn’t great, so if you’re not able to identify your song with Midomi, keep reading.


Midomi is the only online tool that I could find that lets you sing or hum to identify songs. Everything else is either a smartphone app or desktop software. AudioTag is a website that lets you upload your own audio files and has a variety of features to help you identify songs. ..

AudioTag is a tool that can help you compare songs to find similarities.

One of these is Soundhound, which has a database of over 10 million songs. You can upload your audio file and then it will start matching it up with songs in the database. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a match that leads to a YouTube video of the song. The other site is MusiXmatch. It’s similar to Soundhound, but it has a database of over 30 million songs. You can upload your audio file and then it will start matching it up with songs in the database. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a match that leads to a YouTube video of the song. ..


NameMyTune is a website that allows users to record themselves or listen to other people’s recordings in order to identify the tune. After clicking on “Find the name of a song” and allowing access to their microphone, users can press the “record” button and start singing. Once the recording is complete, users can select the genre of music and approximate age of the song. After inputting their email address, users will wait for someone to identify the song for them. ..


NameMyTune is a great way to find crazy music without having to sign up. Just record your audio sample and let someone else identify it!

Identify Songs using Smartphone Apps

There are a number of apps that allow you to identify songs. Some of these apps are popular, and you may have heard of them. If you can find them, there are many options for you to use them.


Shazam is a popular app for identifying music and other types of media. The app has gotten more and more features over the years, and for avid music listeners, this app is great. One of the best features is the automatic background listening option that lets you enable it to continuously identify music, movies and TV shows without having to open the app. ..

Shazam is a music player that can help you find and listen to songs while you’re going about your day. It has a lot of features, like real-time lyrics and the ability to watch music videos for the songs from YouTube.


SoundHound is an app that is similar to Shazam, but also has the additional option of listening to you sing a song or hum.

If you want to sing or hum along to your music, you’ll need to use SoundHound. It has live lyrics and all the other features that social music apps have. ..

Identify Songs with Desktop Software

There are a few software options for desktop computers, but not a lot. Additionally, unless you don’t own a smartphone and don’t use the Internet much, desktop software is probably your last choice. ..


Audiggle is a desktop app that will listen to a song from your microphone and try to identify it. When you first run it, it will ask you to choose a recording input and then you will have to login. You can register directly from the program interface and then login. ..

Once you login, you can start using the program to identify songs. Overall, it did a decent job of identifying songs, but nothing to write home about. It would be nice if they just had a web version of the software, which the site says they are working on, but that may never happen. ..


Tunatic is another free program, but it’s really old. According to the website, it still states that it’s been designed for Windows 2000 and Windows XP! Yikes! Sadly, there really are no other desktop apps for identifying music. Like I mentioned before, it’s all most online or in a smartphone app. ..

Tunatic is a music identification software that can be installed on your computer. After installation, you will see a small floating window on your desktop. Just start playing your song and then click the little search icon button to identify the song. The software does take a bit of time, but seems to work. That’s not to say the results were very good. I tried to identify some newer songs and Tunatic came back with some crazy results I had never heard of. I think it’s so old that it probably only works for songs before 2002. ..

So as you can see, the best options you have are from the smartphone apps. They seem to be the most reliable and most up-to-date sources of music information. Some of the websites aren’t too bad either, but I had a lot more luck with the phone apps. If you use something else to identify music, let us know in the comments. Enjoy! ..