Minecraft is a game that requires a lot of RAM to run smoothly. If you don’t have enough, you’ll start to experience problems like stuttering, crashes, and other issues.

The good news is that it’s relatively easy to allocate more RAM to Minecraft. The other good news is that there are more than one ways to do it.

Make Sure You Have RAM To Spare

To find out how much RAM your PC has, you can use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool. ..

To check how much RAM is installed on your computer, go to the Start menu and select Settings. Under Device Specifications, look for Installed RAM. The number beside that will tell you how much RAM is installed on your computer. ..

Minecraft requires a minimum of 2GB of RAM, although the recommended specs call for 4GB. If you have more than that, you’re golden. Now you can allocate all the RAM Minecraft needs to quench its thirst.

Method One: Allocate RAM From The Default Launcher

Minecraft is a game that has been around for years, and it has changed over the years. But you can still allocate more RAM to it, so you can keep playing even if the launcher changes.

-Djava.lang.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl -Djava.lang.invoke.Method -Dcom.sun.jvm.launcher.Launcher$2 You can change this to whatever you want, but it’s important that it matches the version of Minecraft you are playing (Bedrock or Java). If it doesn’t, the game will not start and you will have to start again from the beginning!

Minecraft uses 2GB of RAM, so if you want it to use 4GB, change the “2” to 4.

It is possible to let it use all of the RAM you have available, but whether it actually takes advantage of full utilization depends on if you have anything else running and open in the background.

If you make the change, your game will run faster.

Method Two: Allocate RAM From The ATLauncher

The ATLauncher is a launcher that makes setting aside more RAM easier than with the default launcher. ..

Launch the ATLauncher. On the right side of the launcher is a list of options. Select Settings and then the Java/Minecraft tab at the top of the screen. There are multiple options to choose from, but what you’re interested in is the second one - Maximum Memory/RAM. You can type in the amount you want to allocate, but the easiest option is to click on up and down arrows. This moves amount of allocated RAM up or down in 0.5 GB increments.Once you have selected amount of RAM you wish to use, click Save. If you’re playing a mod-heavy pack like SkyFactory 4, you will have to allocate more RAM or title won’t launch ..

Method Three: Allocate RAM Using The Twitch/Curse Launcher

To play Minecraft mods on Twitch, you first need to install the Twitch Launcher. This launcher is just like the ATLauncher, but it has a few different options that are specific to playing mods. The first option is to select “mods.” This will take you to a page where you can select which mods you want to play. You can then click on “add mod.” This will take you to a page where you can add the mod you want to play.

In the top-right corner, click the three lines, go to Files, and then click Settings. You can also press CTRL + Comma from within the launcher to open the Settings menu.From there, navigate to Minecraft and scroll down to the bottom of the screen. You will see a section entitled Java Settings. Look for Allocated Memory and click the slider. By default, it gives 3,228 MB of RAM to Sky Factory 4. You can move the slider to the left or to the right to allocate more or less RAM for the game. The slider increases or decreases the RAM in 0.25 GB increments.Once you have moved the slider, you’re finished. Navigate back to Mods, select Minecraft, and launch into your better-performing title. It’s as easy as that."

Minecraft can benefit from more RAM if the game is run on a computer with a lot of memory. However, if the game is run on a computer with too much RAM, it may suffer from performance issues.

Your computer needs RAM to run games, but other processes can use up the RAM too. It’s a good idea to allow at least 1GB of RAM for other processes not related to gaming.

If you experience performance issues or your PC reports inaccurate information about RAM, it may be because you have bad memory. It’s a good idea to check for bad memory every so often to see if it’s causing the issue.

The bad news is that if you have an issue with your RAM, swapping it out is not so simple. In fact, if you want to see even better performance, it may be worth considering purchasing more RAM for your system.