Job interviews are challenging not only for the applicant but also for interviewers. Online interview preparation is a must. Their job is to find the best fit for the company which takes a lot of responsibility. Are you thinking about how to do an online interview? To save time you can design an online survey. For example, with the 123FormBuilder platform, you can easily create surveys or use it as an online order form generator. It is based on a drag and drop system which is useful if you’re not familiar with web development. This is one of good online interview tools.

Online Job Interview Tips

As for the candidate, if you want to feel more confident during your next online job interview we suggest following these tips:

1. Make a Good First Impression

A positive first impression is crucial in order to put a foundation for further communication with your interviewers. A recent study shows that people make their minds about others just in a few seconds after seeing them for the first time. In this case, it is essential to look sharp and professional, an appearance alone can make a significant difference. Even though it is an online call, you should pick formal clothes, groom yourself, and look clean. Other than that, smile, engage a conversation and use a friendly chat.

2. Surprise them with Your Research Skills

Comprehensive research on the hiring company is a must before the interview. If you prepare adequately, it will make you feel confident you will impress interviewers with your knowledge, and also show the research skills you have. Moreover, it is beneficial to have detailed written down because during the interview you might get distracted and lose your thought, but having it on a paper will save you from failure.

3. Know Who Are You Dealing with

We are living in a digital age where with some time and basic knowledge you can find information about everyone. Use that to find out and learn more about the people who will be interviewing you. It helps because you can see their position, experience in a specific role, and even preferences. To find the mentioned data you can use social media networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. Usually, personal information is open to the public eye.

4. Prepare to Pitch Yourself

A job interview, no matter if it’s online or offline, it is your time to pitch yourself, and you have to learn how to do it correctly. For the first part prepare a sharp presentation of yourself, use phrases that have been used in the application. Highlight parts that are related to the position you are applying and avoid expanding too much with irrelevant facts. Before the online interview, write down your soft and hard skills, name them based on the relevance to the position. There is a big chance that interviewers will ask about your weaknesses, get ready for this part because it can get a bit tricky. Stating the features, you feel least engaged might represent you negatively, therefore, try to turn it to benefit you. For example, if you indicate that one of your weaknesses is time management, finish it with the promising statement that you are working on it with additional sources. It will show that you are evolving and investing time to improve your performance.

5. Manage Stress

As the moment to turn on the camera comes, your hands start to shake and sweat, a heart beats faster, and your voice cracks. It is entirely normal and happens to every one of us, however, there are ways to control stressful moments. The good news is that it is an online interview, which means that interviewers won’t see your shaky hands and sweaty palms, but to feel more confident you should try to manage stress. Imagine that you already got the position, try to experience the feeling of success, additionally, take a few deep breaths, or if you have time meditate for several minutes, it will take the edge off. Online job interviews are a great way to save costs and time which would be used for a face to face meeting. It is more convenient for both the company and the candidate, but do not forget, it still requires preparation and study. Follow the tips above, and you will feel more confident when the time of the interview comes.

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